A Day of Volunteering


In late October the Banwell team traveled down to the Seacoast for a day of volunteering for the Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains (http://girlscoutsgwm.org).  We visited one of their properties called Seawood which is in Portsmouth NH and has 38 acres of forest and wetlands, not far from the downtown district.  Our job for the day was to reestablish a long lost trail around the property that had become overgrown with trees and shrubs (and apparently poison ivy, which we did not know until later).  We split into two groups and one headed north and the other headed south in hopes that we would meet somewhere in the middle.  We clipped, snipped, ripped, threw logs, raked and cleared the 4’ wide path all morning with the help of some very capable Girl Scouts crew direction. We took a quick break for lunch and then we were right back to work to get the trail done.  We finished mid afternoon just in time to head into town for some liquid refreshment and a tour around downtown Portsmouth.

The Banwell crew met up that night at the Black Trumpet for a scrumptious meal and beautiful overlook of the Portsmouth harbor.  We took in some of the local flair after dinner and sampled some of the beers at several Portsmouth bars.  A good day’s work was done!